Aline On A Mission
Mijn naam is Aline Giacobbi, missionaris sinds 2016. Ik ben Frans/Portugees, en opgegroeid in Nederland. Mijn leven is drastisch veranderd sinds mijn doop in 2014 in mijn kerk Godcentre. Ik werd een volgeling van Jezus Christus en ging de zending in. Ik begon in Brazilië met ''Jeugd Met Een Opdracht'', en later gingen er ook andere deuren open in Haïti en in Colombia. Nu roept de Heer mij om naar R.D. Congo te gaan. Ik wil graag mensen bijstaan met een gebroken hart omdat ik zelf een gebroken hart had, op jonge leeftijd verloor ik al mijn moeder. De Heer heeft me niet alleen van rouw genezen, maar ook van depressies, trauma's en nog veel meer.
Vandaag is de vreugde van de Heer mijn kracht! lees meer over
My main mission is to transform and impact individual lives through the message of the gospel; to bring hope to the hopeless and healing for the brokenhearted.
How was born the desire to share the Gospel?
Touched by His Grace, I received healing from Jesus into my pains, life disappointments and youth traumas. Jesus has brought a lot of joy into my heart and with that was born a burning desire to be closer to Him: my Healer, my Father, my best Friend, my perfect Husband. Nothing in this world could satisfy me anymore but I wanted more of Him, more of His presence... Also the realisation came that what I had found was pure gold, that I finally found the key that I desperately was searching for. My soul was dying without Jesus, thirsty and dry, but finally and after much desperation, I found the Living Water!
Something I felt, that had to be shared to the most thirsty souls desperately in need for water like I was. In this way, was born the desire of sharing Jesus; like the samaritan woman who had an encounter with Jesus at the well (John 4), when she realised who He was, she dropped everything that seemed important at that moment, physical things of this world, she left her ''water jar''(John 4.28), because she had found something more essential: she found the ''Living Water'', ''the Gift of God'' (John 4. 10). Her soul was filled by that encounter. No longer thirsty, she had plenty to share with others and became one of the first evangelist telling about who Jesus is, source of Eternal Life, the Living Water.