Aline On A Mission
I have placed my life in God's hands, this means that I rely on God's provision for my life and ministry. I trust the Lord for sending partners that wants to be part of the Great Commission with me. To live and sustain my mission work I need an amount of more of less € 1000 a month. (This include cost like transportations / flight tickets; healthcare assurance, medications (vaccinations), visa, rent and food).
As an example: If 30 people could donate € 35 a month, I could reach my monthly goal. Other amounts are very welcome.
Thank you for your partnership!

IBAN: NL84 ABNA 0541 1418 72
t.n.v. Stichting Hart en Handen in Aktie
Description: Aline internationale missie
(note: please don't forget the description otherwise it will be for other ends.)
KvK: 54128137
RSIN: 851178066
Personal rabobank account:
IBAN: NL14 RABO 0346 8368 83
t.n.v. A. Giacobbi
Donate with Paypal ($)

Personal account.
IBAN: BE65 9671 6851 1796
Naam. Aline Giacobbi

faithis confidence in what we hope for & assurance about what we do not see.
Hebrews 11.1
Mission starts with prayers, by hearing the Lord 's voice and calling but it is also supported by prayers. There is unity in the body of Christ, one Lord, one faith, one body (Ephesians 4.5). Together we can reach the unreached. Prayer is a key pillar. Would you like to partner with me in prayer? Please contact me or send me a whatsapp +31 6 26 71 39 94

My next missiontrip will be in august 2024 and I will be going to Kinshasa, RD Congo. Together with a small team from Godcentre, we'll stay for 2 weeks. After that I will be staying with locals for long term (at least a few months till the Lord directs me).
My goal is to go and preach the gospel in difficult reaching places, I also would like to help orphanages and woman's project in cooperation with Godcentre and Stiching HHA.
PRAY for protection and guidance during this trip to Kinshasa, RD Congo.
PRAY for the life's we will sow into.
PRAY for emotional and physical well-being so I can optimally pursue His mission.
PRAISE the Lord for the open doors in RD Congo.

Lubumbashi, RDCongo 2023. Woman conference