Aline On A Mission

Time of training
2016-2023: Seven years living on the mission field: Rio de Janeiro- Brasil.
Looking back on my 7 years of experience on the mission field, I remember the first time I walked into a favela. It was in January 2016, together with my YOUTH WITH A MISSION team. I felt overwhelmed and powerless surrounded by so much poverty. I asked the Lord, "What can I do?", and the Lord simply asked me to open my heart to the poor. That's how I started preaching the gospel and sharing the love of God in the favelas of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. ​
I started a DISCIPLESHIP TRAINING SCHOOL, where experienced missionaries teach several themes: identity, evangelism, hearing the voice of God, intercession, sin and forgiveness, community development etc... On my outreach, I went to the Brazilian high schools to educate against human trafficking, we also visited a juvenile detention center and several favelas where I could share my testimony and the word of God. After my DTS, I continued my studies with a CHILDREN AT RISK SCHOOL, learning to recognise trauma and working with children who come from difficult home situations and are at risk of not getting into God's plan for their lives. During the practical phase, we trained a church in evangelizing women and young girls in prostitution, together we took to the streets at night.
After those great outreach experiences, Jesus also led me to study more of the word; within YWAM I attended two different BIBLE SCHOOLS and a PRACTICE OF ARTS SCHOOL where we learned how to co-create art with God, the arts with a biblical worldview.​ In 2022, I was invited by an American family to study at Christian International in Florida, United States. For three months they offered me hospitality so that I could be trained in the prophetic as well as in healing and deliverance. I had the chance to receive a personal prophecy from DR. Bill Hamon who is also called the father of the prophetic. ​
Time to serve
I have been serving as a missionary staff at YWAM Borel and YWAM Carioca sinds 2016, two missionary bases in Rio de janeiro, Brazil. At YWAM Borel, I have learned a lot about Community Development projects.
Those are the YWAM Borel projects where I served in many ways :
RefloreSer project, an art-craft project for eldery people of the community.
a day-care center the ''Creche Semente'', which serves more than 80 children;
a Community Center (CC) where the ''Bom Tom'' Music School is active;
the Criarte project, a socio-educational project in the craft field, which aims to generate income and boost the self-confidence of women and teenagers,
a recording studio to create a new Christian worship service
a football project, Futebol Club Borel
a health clinic, Ambulario
At YWAM Carioca I have served in the all five areas of the community work: administration, communication, kitchen, cleaning services and by leading the hospitality department. Next to the community work, I have serve in many projects (evangelism in favelas, soccer project, Carnaval evangelism, church training etc...) and the training schools. At the schools, I have mentor and teach at the DISCIPELSHIP TRAINING SCHOOL, SUMMER SCHOOL OF MISSION, KING KID'S SCHOOL, ONLINE MISSION SCHOOL. Further, I have given intercession training and lead intercession prayers in groups and churches. Together with my YWAM team, I have pioneer the first mission in Haiti which is now project of the base and DTS outreach destination.
Also, I have teach some french classes for the Brazilian missionaries with a heart for Africa and french speaking countries.
Community development & projects
A local project can impact a community and can serve as a platform to share the word of Christ. It reach people that are eager to learn a skill but not necessarily will make a step to go to a church. It's a strategy to reach people with the gospel, it does not substitute the church, it complements the church. A project can be the first place where people will hear about the gospel and then make a step to a church. For example, In the Brazilian favelas before starting a soccer game, I saw drugdealers weekly praying with us and accepting Jesus on the soccer field. Going to church on Sunday service is for them an enormous barrier but by building relationship with them and sowing the word on the soccer field, that's the first step to Jesus.